General | Adams, R.P., 2014. Junipers of the World: The genus Juniperus. Trafford, Bloomington, USA. | | | |
Sequia | Baquedano, F.J., Castillo, F.J., 2007. Drought tolerance in the Mediterranean species Quercus coccifera, Quercus ilex, Pinus halepensis and Juniperus phoenicea. Photosynthetica 45, 229–238. | | | |
Métodos | Blanco Oyonarte, P., Navarro Cerrillo, R., 2003. Aboveground phytomass models for major species in shrub ecosystems of western Andalusia. For. Syst. 12, 47–55. | | | |
Métodos | Bohham C.D. 2013. Measurements for terrestrial vegetation. 2on Ed. Wiley‐Blackwell, Oxford UK. pp. 245. | | | |
Sequia | Camarero, J.J., Gazol, A., Sánchez-Salguero, R., Sangüesa-Barreda, G., Díaz-Delgado, R., Casals, P., 2020. Dieback and mortality of junipers caused by drought: Dissimilar growth and wood isotope patterns preceding shrub death. Agric. For. Meteorol. 291, 108078. | | | |
General | Carreras J., Ferrer A, Vigo J. (eds). Manual dels hàbitats de Catalunya: Càtaleg dels hàbitats naturals reconeguts en el territori català d’ acord als criteris establerts pel CORINE biotopes manual de la Unió Europea. Vol. 1. Generalitat de Catalunya. ISBN 9788439393749. | | | |
Fuego | Castagneri, D., Esposito, A., Bovio, G., Mazzoleni, S., Seneca, U., Catalanotti, A.E., Ascoli, D., 2013. Fuel vertical structure affects fire sustainability and behaviour of prescribed burning in Spartium junceum shrublands. Ann. For. Sci. 70, 863–871. | | | |
Métodos | Conti, G., Gorné, L.D., Zeballos, S.R., Lipoma, M.L., Gatica, G., Kowaljow, E., Whitworth-Hulse, J.I., Cuchietti, A., Poca, M., Pestoni, S., Fernandes, P.M., 2019. Developing allometric models to predict the individual aboveground biomass of shrubs worldwide. Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 28, 961–975. | | | |
Métodos | De Cáceres, M., Casals, P., Gabriel, E., Castro, X., 2019. Scaling-up individual-level allometric equations to predict stand-level fuel loading in Mediterranean shrublands. Ann. For. Sci. 76 (3) | | | |
Métodos | De Cáceres, M., Martin-StPaul, N., Turco, M., Cabon, A., Granda, V., 2018. Estimating daily meteorological data and downscaling climate models over landscapes. Environ. Modell. Software 108, 186–196. | | | |
Sequia | De La Riva EG, Lloret F, Perez-Ramos IM, Marañon T, Saura-Mas S, Diaz-Delgado R, Villar R (2017) The importance of functional diversity in the stability of Mediterranean shrubland communities after the impact of extreme climatic events. Journal of Plant Ecology 10 : 281–293. doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtw027. | | | |
General | Di Castri F, Goodall DW and Specht RL. (eds.) 1981. Ecosystems of the world II: Mediterranean-type shrublands. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York xii + 643 pp | | | |
Métodos | Etienne, M. 1989. Non destructive methods for evaluating shrub biomass: a review. Acta Oecologica, 10, 115‐128. | | | |
Métodos | Etienne, M., Rigolot, E., 2001. Méthodes de suivi des coupures de combustible, Réseau Coupures de Combustible. nº1. Éditions de la Cardère. Morière | | | |
Sequia | Gabriel E, Delgado-Dávila R, De Cáceres M, Casals P, Tudela A, Castro X. 2021. Live fuel moisture content time series in Catalonia since 1998. Ann. For. Sci.78, 44. | | | |
Sequia | Gazol, A., Sangüesa-Barreda, G., Granda, E., Camarero, J.J., 2017. Tracking the impact of drought on functionally different woody plants in a Mediterranean scrubland ecosystem. Plant Ecol. 218, 1009–1020. | | | |
Fuego | Goberna, M., García, C., Insam, H., Hernández, M.T., Verdú, M., 2012. Burning Fire-Prone Mediterranean Shrublands: Immediate Changes in Soil Microbial Community Structure and Ecosystem Functions. Microb. Ecol. 64, 242–255. | | | |
Métodos | Harrell, W.C., Fuhlendorf, S.D., 2002. Evaluation of habitat structural measures in a shrubland community. J. Range Manag. 55, 488–493. | | | |
Polinización | Herrera, J., 1988. Pollination Relationships in Southern Spanish Mediterranean Shrublands. J. Ecol. 76, 274. | | | |
Métodos | Herrick J E, Zee JWV, Havstad KM, Burkett LM, Witford WG (Editors) 2005. Monitoring manual for grassland, shrubland and savanna ecosystems. Volume II. Design, supplementary methods and interpretation. 163 pp. ISBN 0975555200. USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range. Las Cruces, USA. | | | |
Sequia | Hinojosa, M.B., Laudicina, V.A., Parra, A., Albert-Belda, E., Moreno, J.M., 2019. Drought and its legacy modulate the post-fire recovery of soil functionality and microbial community structure in a Mediterranean shrubland. Glob. Chang. Biol. 25, 1409–1427. | | | |
Fuego | Keeley, J.E., Fotheringham, C.J., Baer-Keeley, M., 2005. Determinants of postfire recovery and succession in mediterranean-climate shrublands of California. Ecol. Appl. 15, 1515–1534. | | | |
Sequia | Lloret, F., de la Riva, E., Pérez-Ramos, I., Marañón, T., Saura-Mas, S., Díaz-Delgado, R., Villar, R., 2016. Climatic events inducing die-off in Mediterranean shrublands, Are species responses related to their functional traits? Oecologia 180, 961–973. | | | |
Fuego | Lloret, F., Verdú, M., Flores-Hernández, N., Valiente-Banuet, A., 1999. Fire and resprouting in Mediterranean ecosystems: Insights from an external biogeographical region, the mexical shrubland. Am. J. Bot. 86, 1655–1661. | | | |
Fuego | Marino, E., Madrigal, J., Guijarro, M., Hernando, C., Dez, C., Fernndez, C., 2010. Flammability descriptors of fine dead fuels resulting from two mechanical treatments in shrubland: A comparative laboratory study. Int. J. Wildl. Fire 19, 314–324. | | | |
Matorralización | Montané F, Casals P, Dale MRT, 2011. How spatial heterogeneity of cover affects patterns of shrub encroachment into mesic grasslands. PLoS ONE, 6(12): e28652. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028652 | | | |
Matorralización | Montané F, Casals P, Dale MRT. 2010. Spatial patterns of shrub encroachment in neighbouring grassland communities in the Pyrenees: floristic composition heterogeneity drives shrub proliferation rates. Plant Ecology, 211, 267-278 |
Fuego | Montané F, Casals P, Taull M, Lambert B, Dale M R T, 2009. Spatial patterns of shrub cover after different fire disturbances in the Pyrenees. Annals of Forest Science, 66:612 | | | |
Carbono | Montané F, Romanyà J, Rovira P, Casals P 2013. Mixtures with grass litter may hasten shrub litter decomposition after shrub encroachment into mountain grasslands. Plant Soil 368 (1-2), 459-469 | | | |
Base de datos | Montero, G., Pasalodos-Tato, M., Montoto, R., Lopez-Senespleda, E., Onrubia, R., Bravo-Oviedo, A., Ruiz-Peinado, R., 2013. Contenido de Carbono en la biomasa de las principales especies de matorral y arbustedos y arbustedos de Espana. 6o Congr. For. Español 11. | | | |
Matorralización | Naito AT, Cairns DM (2011) Patterns and processes of global shrub expansion. Physical Geography 35: 423-442. doi:10.1177/0309133311403538 | | | |
Métodos | Navarro-Cerrillo, R.M., Duque-Lazo, J., Rodríguez-Vallejo, C., Varo-Martínez, M.Á., Palacios-Rodríguez, G., 2018. Airborne laser scanning cartography of on-site carbon stocks as a basis for the silviculture of Pinus Halepensis plantations. Remote Sens. 10. | | | |
Métodos | Papió, C., Trabaud, L., 1991. Comparative study of the aerial structure of five shrubs of mediterranean shrublands. For. Sci. 37, 146–159. | | | |
Métodos | Pasalodos-Tato, M., Ruiz-Peinado, R., del Río, M., Montero, G., 2015. Shrub biomass accumulation and growth rate models to quantify carbon stocks and fluxes for the Mediterranean region. European Journal of Forest Research 134: 537–553. | | | |
Base de datos | Paula, S., Pausas, J.G., 2013. BROT: a plant trait database for Mediterranean Basin species. Version 2013.06. URL: | | | |
Métodos | Pearce, H.G., Anderson, W.R., Fogarty, L.G., Todoroki, C.L., Anderson, S.A.J., 2010. Linear mixed-effects models for estimating biomass and fuel loads in shrublands. Can. J. For. Res. 40, 2015–2026. | | | |
Sequia | Prieto P, Peñuelas J, Lloret F, Llorens L, Estiarte M (2009) Experimental drought and warming decrease diversity and slow down post‐fire succession in a Mediterranean shrubland. Ecography 32:623-636. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2009.05738.x | | | |
Fuego | Romanyà J, Casals P, Vallejo VR 2001. Short-term effects of fire severity on soil nitrogen availability in Mediterranean grasslands and shrublands growing in old fields. For. Ecol. Manage. 147, 39- 53 | | |
General | San Miguel Ayanz A, Roig S, Cañellas I (2004) Fruticultura, Gestión de arbustedos y matorrales. In: Montero, G. y Serrada, R. (Eds) Compendio de Selvicultura Aplicada en España. DGCONA. Madrid |